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Lodging near monastery

For visitor logding: Here is list of the Hotels near monastery. We had made special rate arrangement for the events with Hotel listed below.  Please call Hotel directly to make your reservation and mention you are coming to Gaden KhachoeShing Monastery

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Upcoming Events

Ven. Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche visit schedules in October…

Gaden KhachoeShing Monastery very blessed and honored with Upcoming visit of revered and highly respected Teacher Venerable Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche in October 2024. During his visit Venerable Rinpoche will offer Teachings, Initiations and lead ceremonies.   We are very fortunate…

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Vajrayogini retreat during Saka Dawa Retreat 2012


Event: Vajrayogini blessing initiation

Date: Saturday, May 19th at 2.30pm

As every year this year during month of Saka Dawa (month of vesak) from Monday, May 21st - June 4th 2012, we are doing Vajrayogini retreat. Ven. Kuten lama will offer Vajrayogini initiation on Saturday before the retreat. To get more informations about prerequsite and taking part in this retreat. Please contact us:

Thank you.

Gaden KhachoeShing monastery

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