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Lodging near monastery

For visitor logding: Here is list of the Hotels near monastery. We had made special rate arrangement for the events with Hotel listed below.  Please call Hotel directly to make your reservation and mention you are coming to Gaden KhachoeShing Monastery

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Upcoming Events

Ven. Sherab Rinpoche visit August 8-15th 2024

Gaden KhachoeShing Monastery is very honored with upcoming visit of Venerable Sherab Rinpoche in August 8 - 15th 2024.  During this visit Ven. Rinpoche will offer Teachings and Initiations at Gaden KhachoeShing (Bloomington) and Gaden Samdrupling Monastery (Cincinnati)

Bloomington events…

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Gaden NgamChoe (Je Tsongkhapa) day


Event: Gaden NgamChoe (Je Tsongkhapa day): Tsog offering and lights offering.

Date: Sunday, December 18th 2022

Time: 6pm 

location: Gaden KhachoeShing Monastery

This day is to commemorates the parinirvana (passing away) of the incomparable great master Je Tsongkahap.  The founder of the Gelugpa lineage (Yellow head) in Tibetan Mahanyana Buddhism.

Je Tsongkhapa is emanation of Avalokitesvara (Buddha of Compassion), Munjushri (Buddha of Wisdom) and Vajrapani (Buddha of Power). Gelugpa Buddhist followers around the world on this day lights lamps offerings, does engage in prayers, offerings to Buddhas, giving generosity of offering foods, alums etc and going aroung the temples, monasteries and focus on doing many virtous actvitities to accumulate merits.

All merits accumulated on this day will increase 1000,000 times...

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