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Lodging near monastery

For visitor logding: Here is list of the Hotels near monastery. We had made special rate arrangement for the events with Hotel listed below.  Please call Hotel directly to make your reservation and mention you are coming to Gaden KhachoeShing Monastery

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Upcoming Events

Ven. Sherab Rinpoche visit August 8-15th 2024

Gaden KhachoeShing Monastery is very honored with upcoming visit of Venerable Sherab Rinpoche in August 8 - 15th 2024.  During this visit Ven. Rinpoche will offer Teachings and Initiations at Gaden KhachoeShing (Bloomington) and Gaden Samdrupling Monastery (Cincinnati)

Bloomington events…

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Saka Dawa 2024 Cittamani Tara retreat

3/13/2024 - 5/27/2024

During this Saka dawa (Vesak month) our Abbot and spiritual teacher Ven. Kuten lama will lead Tara practice and Serkyem offering daily.  

Saka Dawa retreat 2024 in Gaden Samdrupling Monastery Cincinnati. OH

Event: Cittamani Tara (Green) Empowerment (Jenang)

Date: Saturday, May 11th at 2.30pm (All welcome)

Event: Cittamani Tara retreat (RSVP required)

Date: Saturday, May 11th at 7pm -  Thursday, May23rd 

Event: Saka Dawa Tsog offering (All welcome)

Date: Thursday, May 23rd at 2pm

For more information and RSVP.  Please check GSL Monastery website: 

Vesak holiest Buddhist month, on full moon day of this month Buddha Shakyamuni was born, Attained Englitenment and went into Parinirvana.  All merits created this times will multiplies 100,000 times. 

In these challenging times,  Tara also know as Mother of all Buddhas is specially powerful to heal the sufferings of all sentient beings.  We pray and dedicate our merits for the healing of all sufferings of sentient beings, free from Covid epidemic, bringing peace and humanity in this world. 

Cost: Free

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